Hen Stefani needs your support…
With your support, Hen Stefani can continue to give chickens a voice! 📣🐓
Why do chickens need a voice?
Why? Because 9 billion chickens are killed in the US every year.
Why? Because chickens are the most abused animals on the planet. 🥚🍗
Why? Because the world needs to know that chickens have feelings and emotions. They experience pleasure and pain. No different than your dog, your cat, you, and me.
Together we will make a difference! We will save the world, one chicken at a time! 🌎🐓❤️

Hen Stefani
Hen Stefani (Ani) recently had a life saving surgery after her oviduct malfunctioned. In order to prevent this from happening again, she’ll need ongoing hormone implants.
Ani is my best friend and your help means more to me than I can possibly express. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙏🏼💖


”I used to live outside in a tiny cage with five other chickens. I couldn’t run, jump, flap my wings, or dust bathe. Fluffy Top Sanctuary rescued me and now I have the best life ever.”

"The way the world treats chickens has got me fed up, but at Fluffy Top Sanctuary I can keep my head up."

"I was so lonely. Didn’t they know I was a herd animal? I also hadn’t been sheared in years. That all changed when I got to Fluffy Top Sanctuary. Now I have friends! And even a girlfriend named Tina!”

“I was going to be culled because I had feathers on my tootsies. I’m not sure what culled means, but at Fluffy Top Sanctuary I’ll never have to find out.”

“I was dumped at a cemetery right before Christmas. I was so scared! What did I do wrong? Luckily a nice lady called Fluffy Top Sanctuary. They came and picked me up, took me to my new home, and gave me food. This must be what love feels like.”
“If you aren't following @hen_stefani on Instagram, what are you even doing with your life?!”
IG follower
Thanks for stopping by!! May the fluff be with you!! 🐥